
Software rasterizer versus hardware rasterization

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Software rasterization

SWC Software Rasterizer [WIP]

SWC stands for swapchain and it means instead of bitblting the raster content, I use swapchain backbuffer to present the software rasterization results. Here is how it works: The cpu side buffer is wrapped in a ID3D12 resource placed on an existing heap through a call to openexistingheapfromaddress and then through a call to CopyTextureRegion the raster content is copied to the current frame backbuffer rendertarget.

Keyboard bindings:

  • Press H or V to draw a horizontal or vertical line (repeat to move the line)
  • Press T to render triangles
  • Press W to render the wireframe model (from tinyrenderer)
  • Press C to clear screen with white color

Win32 Software Rasterizer [deprecated]

Win32_Rasterizer is the first attempt with only basic drawing functionality built on vanilla Win32/WinApi.