
Implementation of Typed Lambda Calculus (Product, Sum, Arrow, Nat, Bool types) together with type inference

Primary LanguageElm


Implementation of Typed (Polymorphic) Lambda Calculus together with type inference. I'm just trying to understand how the sausage is made, and it's fascinating.

What is implemented so far:

  • Product, Sum, Arrow, Nat, Bool types, List (List : Type -> Type), and their constructors/eliminator (folds)
  • Type inference (with let polymorphism, which so far was the hardest bit in all of this)
  • Rudimentary module system
  • Very basic UI (REPL) https://omedusyo.github.io/type_inference/index.html
  • Custom parsing combinator library for the syntax
  • Basic (pretty user hostile) syntax and a Parser for it
  • Evaluator

In progress:

  • Custom register machine simulator (adapting last chapter of SICP)
  • Designing user defined inductive data types
  • Designing a more powerful module system (trying to steal as much as possible from SML/OCaml)


  • Implementing Garbage Collection/Compiler from scratch to the register machine language (maybe web assembly)
  • Structure Editor
  • Exploring Small Talk Image way of doing things