
A Lightweight Mocking Assistant for Moq Library in .NET Platforms.

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A Lightweight Mocking Assistant for Moq Library in .NET Platforms!



MoqAssist is a lightweight and simple mocking assistant used by developers writing unit tests in .NET platforms with Moq library. Basically, the main purpose is to provide developers to write tests more easily and quickly without fighting with details.

What MoqAssist does is that once registering objects (e.g., dependencies or candidate classes for testing) into the dictionary managed by MoqAssistDictionary, MoqAssist automatically builds the constructors of classes by using its dictionary that includes the mocking objects so that a developer does not have to manage the dependencies.

The use of MoqAssist is straightforward as explained in the following;

  • Register the objects wanted to be tested only once via MoqAssistDictionary.
  • Call MoqAssist defining which class will be tested.
  • Ready for testing!


⚡ In the sample, there are ProductService, CategoryService and UserService, and product service depends others.

1- The Use of MoqAssistDictionary

  • Firstly, create a unit test project. It might be any unit test framework of .NET platforms. In the examples of MoqAssist, xUnit was used.
  • Then, create a class inherited from MoqAssistDictionary to register the mocked objects.
  • Override the RegisterMocks() method.
namespace MoqAssist.UnitTests.Tests.MockDictionary
    public class DefaultMockDictionary : MoqAssistDictionary
        public override void RegisterMocks()
            Register<IUserService>(new Mock<IUserService>());
            Register<ICategoryService>(new Mock<ICategoryService>());
  • DefaultMockDictionary will be the once produced dictionary with the registrations of the mocked objects.
Register<T>(Mock<T> obj);
  • Register method is used to store the mocked object into the dictionary.
bool IsMockExist<T>();
KeyValuePair<string, object> GetMockPair<T>();
  • In addition, MoqAssistDictionary offers a couple of methods for searching and validation.
  • For the Key-Value Pairs, the key represents the full name of the object and the value represents the mocked object.
⚡ Now, the system is ready for testing. Create a test file and decide which class needs to be tested!

2- The Use of MoqAssist

  • Here, declare the MoqAssist with a given object for testing.
  • Also, declare the original object which operates the real business with mock dependencies.
private MoqAssist<ProductService> _productService { get; set; }
private IProductService _productServiceInstance { get; set; }
  • Construct the MoqAssist with a dictionary with registered mock objects.
_productService = MoqAssist<ProductService>.Construct(new DefaultMockDictionary());
  • Get the automatically mocked constructor that needs to tested. The order of constructors are preserved by MoqAssist.
_productServiceInstance = _productService.GetConstructors()[0];
  • Get mock objects for any setup operations, if needed.
_userServiceMock = _productService.GetMock<IUserService>();
_categoryServiceMock = _productService.GetMock<ICategoryService>();
  • At the end, the code seems as follows;
public class ProductServiceTests : IDisposable
   private MoqAssist<ProductService> _productService { get; set; }
   private IProductService _productServiceInstance { get; set; }

   private Mock<IUserService> _userServiceMock { get; set; }
   private Mock<ICategoryService> _categoryServiceMock { get; set; } 
   public ProductServiceTests()
        _productService = MoqAssist<ProductService>.Construct(new DefaultMockDictionary());
        _productServiceInstance = _productService.GetConstructors()[0];

        _userServiceMock = _productService.GetMock<IUserService>();
        _categoryServiceMock = _productService.GetMock<ICategoryService>();

     public void Dispose()
         _productService = null;
         _productServiceInstance = null;

         _userServiceMock = null;
         _categoryServiceMock = null;
  • In order to write a test, sample scenarios as follows;
namespace MoqAssist.UnitTests.Tests

    public class ProductServiceTests : IDisposable
        private MoqAssist<ProductService> _productService { get; set; }
        private IProductService _productServiceInstance { get; set; }

        private Mock<IUserService> _userServiceMock { get; set; }
        private Mock<ICategoryService> _categoryServiceMock { get; set; }

        public ProductServiceTests()
            _productService = MoqAssist<ProductService>.Construct(new DefaultMockDictionary());
            _productServiceInstance = _productService.GetConstructors()[0];

            _userServiceMock = _productService.GetMock<IUserService>();
            _categoryServiceMock = _productService.GetMock<ICategoryService>();

        public void Dispose()
            _productService = null;
            _productServiceInstance = null;

            _userServiceMock = null;
            _categoryServiceMock = null;

        [InlineData("Test Product", 100.50, 25, 1, 3)]
        [InlineData("Test Product 2", 25, 2, 4, 9)]
        public void Create_Should_Return_True_When_Process_Successfull(string productName, decimal price, int stock, int userId, int categoryId)
            _userServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(userId)).Returns(new User() { Id = userId });
            _categoryServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(categoryId)).Returns(new Category() { Id = categoryId });

            var response = _productServiceInstance.Create(productName, price, stock, userId, categoryId);
            Assert.True(response == true);

        [InlineData("Test Product", 100.50, 25, 1, 3)]
        [InlineData("Test Product 2", 25, 2, 4, 9)]
        public void Create_Should_Return_False_When_Category_Null(string productName, decimal price, int stock, int userId, int categoryId)
            _userServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(userId)).Returns(new User() { Id = userId });
            _categoryServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(categoryId)).Returns<Category>(null);

            var response = _productServiceInstance.Create(productName, price, stock, userId, categoryId);
            Assert.True(response == false);

        [InlineData("Test Product", 100.50, 25, 1, 3)]
        [InlineData("Test Product 2", 25, 2, 4, 9)]
        public void Create_Should_Return_False_When_User_Null(string productName, decimal price, int stock, int userId, int categoryId)
            _userServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(userId)).Returns<User>(null);
            _categoryServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetById(categoryId)).Returns(new Category() { Id = categoryId });

            var response = _productServiceInstance.Create(productName, price, stock, userId, categoryId);
            Assert.True(response == false);


  • Dotnet Core - version net5.0 - Used to implement MoqAssist and MoqAssistDictionary
  • Moq - version 4.16.0 - Used for mocking business logics.
  • xUnit - version net5.0 - Used for sample tests.


Feel free to contact me for any questions, discussions, or ideas. Send Email

How to contribute

  • Fork the repository
  • Create a feature branch
  • Commit the changes and push the branch
  • Create a new pull request



Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.