
Simple Bot WhatsApp With NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cara Penginstalan


> pkg install git -y
> git clone https://github.com/caliph91/bot-whatsapp
> cd bot-whatsapp
> bash install.sh
> node index


> sudo apt install git -y
> sudo git clone https://github.con/caliph91/bot-whatsapp
> sudo cd bot-whatsapp
> sudo bash root.sh
> sudo node index



๐Ÿงพ Installing the Tesseract

  • Download the file here.
  • After that, run downloaded file as Administrator.
  • Complete the installation.
  • Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
  • Run this command:
> setx /m PATH "C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR;%PATH%"

It will give us a callback like SUCCESS: specified value was saved.

  • Now that you've Tesseract installed, verify that it's working by running this command to see version number:
> tesseract -version

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Installing the FFmpeg

  • Download one of the available versions of FFmpeg by clicking this link.
  • Extract the file to C:\ path.
  • Rename the extracted folder to ffmpeg.
  • Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
  • Run this command:
> setx /m PATH "C:\ffmpeg\bin;%PATH%"

It will give us a callback like SUCCESS: specified value was saved.

  • Now that you've FFmpeg installed, verify that it's working by running this command to see version number:
> ffmpeg -version

๐Ÿ” Installing the dependencies

> npm install

๐Ÿ†— Running the bot

Regular node:

> npm start


> pm2 start index.js
> pm2 monit

PM2 with cron job (restart after 5 hours):

> pm2 start index.js --cron "* */5 * * *"
> pm2 monit

After that scan the QR code using your WhatsApp in your phone!


  • WhatsApp

Thanks to