This repository contains the code for Fine-tuning can cripple your foundation model; preserving features may be the solution.
The code is based on PyTorch and the dependencies are in requirements.txt. To prepare the environment run pip install -r requirements.txt
In order to fine-tune a model, use the training script. Following are the important parameters for fine-tuning a model:
--data-location: directory containing the fine-tuning datasets
--train-datasets: comma separated list of fine-tuning datasets
--model: model architecture to train, eg. ViT-B-32
--finetune-loss: Loss function for fine-tuning, options: ce, ls, l2sp, flyp_ce, flyp, ldifs
--zs-init: whether to use zero-shot initialization, setting false will do linear probe initialization
The full set of fine-tuning arguments can be found in As an example, in order to fine-tune a ViT-B/32
based CLIP model on the sequence SVHN, CIFAR-10 and RESISC45, on LP-init-LDIFS
use the following:
python \
--data-location /location/to/training/datasets \
--train-datasets SVHN,CIFAR10,RESISC45 \
--model ViT-B-32 \
--finetune-loss ldifs \
--ldifs-alpha 10.0 \
--save /path/to/store/model/checkpoints \
To evaluate trained models, use Following are the most important parameters for the evaluation script.
--data-location: directory containing the datasets
--res-store-path: path to store results
--train-dataset: name of the train dataset
--eval-dataset: name of the eval dataset
--model: model architecture of checkpoint
--model-location: path of the directory of the saved model checkpoint
--finetune-loss: loss function used to finetune the model
--ldifs-alpha: alpha used for LDIFS regularisation (if finetune loss is ldifs)
--zs-init: whether ZS initialization was used, if not then by default LP initialization is assumed
--it-index: Iteration index which is a value in [0, 1, 2, ..., 100] which determines the model checkpoint to evaluate
--zs: Whether to do ZS evaluation
--lp: Whether to do LP evaluation
The full set of evaluation arguments can also be found in As an example, to evaluate the 50th iteration index of a CLIP ViT-B/32 fine-tuned using LDIFS on CIFAR-10 but being evaluated on the Cars dataset, run the following:
python \
--data-location /location/to/evaluation/datasets \
--res-store-path /path/to/directory/for/storing/results \
--train-dataset CIFAR10 \
--eval-dataset Cars \
--model-location /path/to/directory/containing/models \
--model ViT-B-32 \
--finetune-loss ldifs \
--zs \
--lp \
--ldifs-alpha 10.0 \
--it-index 50 \
The result is stored as a simple JSON file with the following format. The following is an example and not numbers from real results:
"zs_acc": 0.6744562,
"zs_ece": 0.0889233,
"lp_acc": 0.6453246,
"lp_ece": 0.0284556
If the code or the paper has been useful in your research, please add a citation to our work:
title={Fine-tuning can cripple your foundation model; preserving features may be the solution},
author={Jishnu Mukhoti and Yarin Gal and Philip Torr and Puneet K. Dokania},
journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research},
note={Featured Certification}
For any questions, please feel free to raise an issue or email us directly. Our emails can be found on the paper.