
react + api with cqrs

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

  • play with vim
  • vscode and it extensions
  • cqrs (two dbs), event sourcing, ddd
  • integration tests


.net 6, react17, mobx6
npm start

axios for http requests
mobx as centralized state management system; it seems that redux is concepted around immunatibility and functional programming, so I would prefer using redux in future. However, mobx seems to be much easier to learn, the main reason why I stopped here for now.
semanticUI to prettify


guids and uuids vs sequential ids (1,2,3):

  • guids are impossible to guess, so if your api is exposed and compromised, it is still in some sense secured (e.g : /user/{id})
  • sequential ids can be indexed in the way they boost performance consider hashids

dotnet new webapi -n Name -f net5.0 #-f||--framework for the framewrok version