
Tram Simulation for the Utrecht Uithoflijn

Primary LanguagePython

Simulation of the Uithoflijn

Tested Python version: 3.5.2

To setup: pip install sortedcontainers numpy arrow click

To execute you have 3 options:

  • python Main.py run --help:

    Usage: Main.py run [OPTIONS]
     Run simulation with given parameters.
     -q INTEGER                     Turnaround time (in minutes).
     -f INTEGER                     Tram frequency (every <f> minutes).
     -db FLOAT                      Door block percentage.
     -nt INTEGER                    Number of trams.
     -edr TEXT                      Event display rate.
     -sdr TEXT                      State display rate.
     -tt, --track_tram TEXT         Track specific tram's events.
     -ts, --track_stop TEXT         Track specific stop's events.
     -p, --only_passengers BOOLEAN  Display only passengers' events.
     -s, --start TEXT               Start simulation later.
     -e, --end TEXT                 End simulation earlier.
     -A, --show_all TEXT            Show all events.
     -t, --etype TEXT               Filter on event type.
     --help                         Show this message and exit.
  • python Main.py output_analysis --help:

    Usage: Main.py output_analysis [OPTIONS]
     Run N simulations with given parameters and combine all statistics.
       -n INTEGER  Number of runs.
       -q INTEGER  Turnaround time.
       -f INTEGER  Frequency.
       --help      Show this message and exit.
  • python Main.py confidence_compare --help:

    Usage: Main.py confidence_compare [OPTIONS]
      Run N simulations with given parameters and compute sample means and
      -n INTEGER  Number of runs.
      -qs TEXT    Turnaround time.
      -fs TEXT    Frequency.
      --help      Show this message and exit.
  • python Main.py artificial_validation --help

    Usage: Main.py artificial_validation [OPTIONS]
      Run N simulations with given parameters and combine all statistics.
      -n INTEGER  Number of runs.
      -q INTEGER  Turnaround time.
      -f INTEGER  Frequency.
      -db FLOAT   Door block.
      --help      Show this message and exit.