
Rust backend for Agda.

Primary LanguageHaskell

[WIP] A new Agda backend for compiling to Rust

  • The backend is defined in src/Main.hs.
  • A custom pipeline for translating internal syntax to the treeless representation is in src/AgdaInternals.hs.
  • The test/ directory contains a golden-testing suite (c.f. test/AllTests.agda).

How to run

Assuming a working Haskell installation with ghc and cabal (e.g. using ghcup):

  • $ make build builds the project
  • $ make install installs the agda2rust executable
  • $ make test runs the test suite
  • $ make repl starts an interactive session with the agda2rust library loaded
  • $ make html renders the Github website where you can navigate through the Agda test cases alongside the corresponding generated Rust code


  • Switch to treeless syntax
  • identifiers
    • transcribe to valid Rust identifiers (e.g. remove Unicode somehow)
    • ensure qualification/scopes are OK
  • primitive/builtin types
    • Nat
      • avoid overflow
    • Char
    • String
    • Bool
    • Int
    • primitive functions
  • functions
    • function type signatures
    • termrs (e.g. function bodys)
    • Let bindings
    • Case expresssions
    • higher-order functions
  • type aliases
    • simple aliases without arguments
    • parameterized aliases
  • datatypes
    • polymorphic types / type variables
    • constructors/variants
    • PhantomData for unused type variables
      • add Phantom constructor only if needed
    • Infinite types (e.g. List)
    • more dependent/indexed types
  • records
    • simple records
    • complex records
  • imports (module-related)
    • private definitions (i.e. not pub for everything)
  • Postulates
  • FOREIGN pragmas
    • FFI with postulates
  • Erasure (a.k.a. run-time irrelevance)
  • Compile-time irrelevance
    • Prop universe
  • test suite
    • golden files
    • CI
  • Compiler instructions
    • COMPILE ignore
    • COMPILE const/static
    • COMPILE rename
    • COMPILE derive
    • Inlining
  • interface
    • emacs mode?
    • TUI?
  • Optional features
    • IO
    • Procedural code