
Realtime Video Conferencing, Screen Sharing and Chat with WebRTC, Socket.io and NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tutorial Codebase

Realtime Video Conferencing, Screen Sharing and Chat with WebRTC, Socket.io and NodeJS


  • Join Room
  • Video Conference
  • Realtime Chat
  • Mute/Unmute Call
  • Pause/Play Video
  • Screen Sharing With Pears

Questions ? Reach out. 1

Testing it Out:

  1. clone the repository
  2. install dependencies : . ejs . express . peer . socket.io . uuid . nodemon (development dependency)
  3. run yarn run dev or npm run dev
  4. open your browser and visit http://localhost:3030

    It automatically redirects you to a room, and you'll have a new url like http://localhost:3030/<generated-room-id>

  5. copy http://localhost:3030/<generated-room-id> to another tab and test the functionalities.

Useful Resources:


  1. email : georgetheprogrammer@gmail.com
    twitter : https://twitter.com/ong_gtp