
Welcome! 👋

Thanks to visit my Github! This project is created with HTML, CSS and JavaScript axios and fecth. Here is the link for this project ( )


Project aims to display current weather data of searched city around the world with fetching Weather Api data.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the this project, I will be able to;

  • analyze a problem, create a weather condition app populated with a real weather api.

  • demonstrate their knowledge of algorithmic design principles.

Problem Statement

  • Design a weather condition page following the design and populate data for searched city with using of axios in JS.


User story;

  • User can search city around the world.
  • The app can fetch api with the searched city name(... and apikey if it is obligatory).
  • User can display weather data of searched city in weather card.
  • User can display list of searched city weather data card like on gif.
  • If new searched city is in the weather data list, app can display a warning text to user on page.

🔥 I used OpenWeather Api for this app.

Got feedback for me?

Feedbacks are always improve my technical knowledge, so feel free to give me a feedback through my LinkedIn account ( 🙌

That Is What I Did! 🚀