
Fun project where I got to break Caesars Cipher using two different algorithms. Caesars Cipher is an encoding algorithm created by Julius Caesar for military purposes. Since then it has been used by terrorists, lovers, and even the mafia!

Primary LanguageScheme


Fun project where I got to break Caesars Cipher using two different algorithms.

What is the algorithm for caesars cipher?

The cipher translates each letter in a word independently by “shifting” the letter up or down the alphabet by a fixed distance. We assume that we are using the English alphabet with 26 letters in their “usual” order, all lower case: a, b, c, . . . z. The function ctv (“character-to-value”) maps each character to its value, and the function vtc (“value-to-character”) maps each value to its corresponding character. For example, ctv(c) = 2 and vtc(25) = z.

  The encryption function has the following form:
  Encriptn(x) = vtc((ctv(x) + n) mod 26)

What are the two algorithms to break caesars cipher?

Algorithm A: brute force code breaker The encode input words are encoded for each possible value of n. For each value, a spell checker determines whether the resulting words are words in the English language. The value of n 0 for which most words are spelled correctly is assumed to be decoding value.

Frequency Analysis Gen-Decoder-B

In english, some letteres occur more than others. Knowing the distribution of the different letters, this method just counts the number of occurrences of each letter in the encoded words. If there are enough words to be statistically relevant, the letter distribution can be used to identify the most common letters in English, namely ’e’, ’t’, and ’a’.

How do you run my code?

Download mz scheme Run mz scheme in main directory

Type in these commands to test gen-decoder-a:

(load "decode.ss") (define paragraph '((a a f f f)(c z z)(j t)(b))) (define document '(((a a f f f)(c z z)(j t)(b)))) (define decoderSP1 (Gen-Decoder-A paragraph)) (Code-Breaker document decoderSP1)

Type in these commands to test gen-decoder-b:

(define document '(((a a f f f)(c z z)(j t)(b))))

(define paragraph '((a a f f f)(c z z)(j t)(b)))

(define decoderFA1 (Gen-Decoder-B paragraph)) (Code-Breaker document decoderFA1 )