Brushless DC Motor Control with MATLAB Simulink Electrical Simscape

Project Media

Simulink Diagram
Three Phase Inverter
Buck Converter
Communication Logic
Sensor System


This project depicts a three-phase BLDC motor model using Simscape Electrical and investigates its back-EMF profile. I drive the motor by energizing one of the coil pairs using an inverter model. A three-phase inverter is basically a circuit that converts DC to AC current using three pairs of inverter switches, each corresponding to a phase. We need a Hall effect sensor to determine which sector the rotor is in. Commutation logic then uses the current sector to select the corresponding switching pattern. Furthermore, I added a PI feedback controller to control the motor speed. Lastly, I created a model of a PWM-controlled buck converter to control the speed of a BLDC motor.

Tools and Languages


* MATLAB 2023a

* Simulink

* Simscape Electrical


  1. Download ThreePhaseBLDC.slx file.
  2. Put these files into your MATLAB folder which is located in Documents.
  3. You can change the properties of the Simscape Electrical Components to analyze effects of them in thermal, speed, and force.

Open to Development

Please share your comments and ideas about the project with me. Thank you for your time.