
My portfolio with all my projects I made!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My portfolio cv

WebLink: https://omergal99.github.io/cv/#/

All my projects I made, Some with Server and DB, with Responsive design also about myself :)

Explanation - work with Redux Hooks

USE Node version v12.13.0

USE Node version v12.13.0

Im use yarn so we need to install it:

npm i -g yarn or not globaly: npm i yarn

After that install node modules:


And then we can run the App:

yarn start

For upload to gh-pages: (https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment)

In package.json - set homepage: "homepage": "https://omergal99.github.io/cv"

Install gh-pages npm yarn add gh-pages

add this to package.json scripts: "predeploy": "yarn build", "deploy": "gh-pages -b gh-pages -d build",

do: npm run deploy

and then you can change the deploy script to this: "deploy": "gh-pages -d build"