Laravel Auth JWT Example


  • Clone the repository with git clone 'repositoryname'
  • Run composer install command
  • Create an .env file according to .env.example. You should have fill database connection credentials.
  • Run php artisan jwt:secret and change JWT_SECRET= in .env file
  • Run php artisan migrate and you can run tests via php artisan test
  • Run php artisan serve

After installation steps you can use the app with php artisan serve command


Once a user created, It has not email validation so you should run php artisan update:email-verify command


  • Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to try dockerfile because mysql does not have an arm version. But I've create a proper .dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml

## Endpoints


  • {base_url}/api/login


  • {base_url}/api/register

### api/me/

  • {base_url}/api/
"name":"updated name"


  • {base_url}/api/me/email