
Demo Project for CI/CD Pipeline

Primary LanguageHCL

Demo Project for CI/CD Pipeline

Setting Up Kubernetes Cluster (AWS-Kubernetes-Cluster directory)

There is 2 setup one of them uses AWS EKS(Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) directly and another one uses KOPS to create Kubernetes Cluster with EC2 instances.


Setting up EKS with Terraform



Setup Jenkins on Kubernetes (Jenkins-Setup directory)

Jenkins Dockerfile generated and created a Jenkins image with related plugins installed.

Load Test and Autoscale (Load-Test directory)

Load test with K6 and Kubernetes autoscale config

Sonarqube Setup (Sonarqube-Setup directory)

Deploy Sonarqube and Sonarqube scan with docker container

Helloworld Project


Monitoring and Alarm

// TODO With Prometheus and Grafana we can create monitoring and alarm suit with thresholds or we can use TICK stack for that.

  • TICK stack => Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor