Yncrea virtualization
The course takes place over three days and intends to give students an understanding of virtualization technologies:
- OS virtualization & automation (concepts, virtualbox, vagrant)
- containers (Docker)
- micro-services orchestrators (Kubernetes).
The aim is to give knowledge around technologies integrations, networking flows and a taste of what these technologies afford. At the end of the training, students will be evaluated by:
- deploying a simple kubernetes application
- and answering to a quizz around concepts seen during the training.
This repository uses Mkdocs ( https://www.mkdocs.org/ ) to generate the online course documentation using github pages and github action (https://docs.github.com/en/actions) for automation.
The generated site location is url is: https://omerlin.github.io/yncrea-virtualization/
The course labs material is available here : https://github.com/omerlin/yncrea-virtualization-labs