Welcome to Give And Take!


Give And Take is a Open source application that aims to connect two independent people to help "his neighbors".

This project was conceived for a university course of the non "computer engineering"

The purpose of the application is to offer a service in exchange for another service.

This application is non-profit and aims to help each person in his quotient.


Shimon Mimoun -Contact

Naomi Oyer-Contact

Omer Paz -Contact

Built With

Android Studio - Build Code

FireBase - RealTime Database

Adobe XD - Design

Use Project

Import Code

git clone https://github.com/omerpaz1/GiveAndTake/

Create Project to Firebase in a name: package : com.android.giveandtake and change Rules of Realtime Database to :

    ".read": true,
    ".write": true
  1. Active Email and Google to Authentication Project Firebase

Change Email and Google to Activate

  1. Downolad Google_Service.json and add to file app

Download google_service.json

  • The project is ready to be used.


The application is divided into several parts:

  • The Login/Registration
  • Fragment that contains my application center(Post/Trade/History/Profile)
  • The Adminsitrator part which allows me to manage my application (for administrator).

    Admin Administrator

To update the administrator, create a normal account to recover a UiD Code of account.