Web-Scraping-and-Sentiment-Analysis 🤗😐😔

Introduction 🤔

This project leverages Scrapy to fetch reviews of products on Amazon based on queries. The extracted information includes user reviews, usernames, review titles, ratings, product id, product types, dates, and locations. The scraping process can be performed for a specified number of pages or product codes. Sentiment analysis was performed using RoBERTa and VADER models with data obtained from more than 3000 products. This project contains a summary of the problems that may happen to you while fetching data from the web...

Workflow 🛠️

1. Product Codes (asin) Retrieval with BeautifulSoup:

Product codes are obtained using the BeautifulSoup and Request libraries. Go to asin_list.py.

2. Scrapy Scraping Operations:

Scrapy is employed to perform scraping operations on Amazon pages.

• Create a Python Virtual Environment (I recommend you to use PyCharm).

• In terminal pip install scrapy, scrapy startproject

• Once you are done with adjusting all your codes, you can run it in terminal scrapy crawl your_bot_name

3. Bypassing Amazon with ScrapeOps Proxy:

ScrapeOps Proxy is utilized to bypass Amazon restrictions during scraping. This Amazon spider uses ScrapeOps Proxy as the proxy solution. ScrapeOps has a free plan that allows you to make up to 1,000 requests per month which makes it ideal for the development phase, but can be easily scaled up to millions of pages per month if needs be.

ScrapeOps Proxy

pip install scrapeops-scrapy-proxy-sdk.

• Do not forget to add your API key to the SCRAPEOPS_API_KEY in the settings.py file.

4. Data Storage in MySQL:

Extracted data is stored in a MySQL database. DO NOT FORGET YOUR DATABASE PASSWORD!

5. Transfer to Jupyter Notebook:

Data from the database is transferred to a Jupyter Notebook. Check the clean-amazons-reviews-en.ipynb in notebooks folder.

6. Data Manipulation and Exploratory Data Analysis with Python Libraries:

Python, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, and other libraries are used for data manipulation and EDA. Duplicate values, dtypes, separating columns... Eventually, non-English comments are removed.

7. Sentiment Analysis using Vader and Roberta Models:

Sentiment analysis is performed using the VADER and RoBERTa models. Check sentiment-analysis.ipynb

8. Handling Token Limitations:

I encountered an issue with certain reviews having more than 512 tokens, surpassing the maximum sequence length supported by the RoBERTa model. To efficiently address this, I implemented the following solution:

Issue Identification: The RoBERTa model has a maximum sequence length of 512 tokens. Some reviews in the dataset exceeded this limit, leading to processing errors.

Storing Error Indices: During the initial sentiment analysis using the polarity_scores_roberta function, I stored the indices of reviews that would cause errors in the "error_indices" list.

Processing Only Error Indices: I created the polarity_scores_roberta_split function to process only the reviews with more than 512 tokens, utilizing the process_long_text function for handling lengthy texts. The function selectively processes reviews based on the error indices stored earlier.

Integration with Sentiment Analysis: I combined the sentiment analysis results from both functions to ensure a comprehensive analysis of all reviews.

Error Handling: Exception handling is implemented to capture any errors during the processing of reviews in both functions.

Results: As a result, both dictionaries were dataframed, merged, and finally combine with the original dataframe.

9. DataFrame Comparison:

The obtained values are added to a data frame and compared.

10. Data Visualization with Graphs:

Graphs are generated to visualize the results.


This chart compares the sentiment analysis values of VADER and RoBERTa, illustrating how they evaluate negative, positive, and neutral sentiments. The boxes and whiskers in the graph represent the distribution and variance of these methods' scores.

This graph can be used to observe the differences and similarities between the two models.

11. .csv Files:

You can find all the data in datas folder.

raw_data.csv represents the data from scraping.

english_reviews.csv represents the data after data manipulation.

roberta_and_vader_df represents the data that includes sentiment analysis by RoBERTa and VADER.

Conclusion 👇🏼

In conclusion, this project provides a comprehensive pipeline for scraping Amazon reviews, storing the data in a MySQL database, performing data analysis and sentiment analysis, and visualizing the results through graphs. The use of ScrapeOps Proxy enhances the scraping process, ensuring efficient data extraction from Amazon. The developed solution for handling token limitations demonstrates the project's adaptability and problem-solving approach.

Notes 📢

You can find .ipynb files in the notebooks folder. Detailed explanations of the codes and my comments are available in the notebook.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or ideas, I am all ears! Your input is invaluable, and I would appreciate it if you could help improve my codes. Feel free to reach out with your feedback; it would be greatly welcomed!🧐