
Different short recipes to clean different oddball data formats.

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Different short recipes to clean different oddball data formats.


This function was designed to clean some oddly structured data as it was exported from BigQuery. The original export was designed to look at object features; every object had one or more feature levels on it. When exported, it showed a count of every instance of each unique combination of feature levels. The data were of the format:

Count Combinations of feature levels
111 "string1, string2"
4 "string1"
31 "string2, string3, string4, string5"
14 "string4, string5"
10 "string5"

The end result is something we can use to actually look at the frequency of each level of our object feature variable:

Total Count Single Feature Level
string1 115
string2 142
string3 31
string4 45
string5 55

count_from_combinations(df, valuesCol, stringsCol) df is the dataframe containing count and comma-separated feature combination data; valuesCol is the name of the column in df that has the counts of the feature combination data; stringsCol is the name of the column in df that has the comma-separated string.