
Visualizing wine rating data from TidyTuesday R community


Using data from 2019, dig into some visualizations around the world of wine ratings. Data Source: https://github.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/tree/master/data/2019/2019-05-28

Data Dictionary


variable class description
country character Country of origin
description character Flavors and taste profile as written by reviewer
designation character The vineyard within the winery where the grapes that made the wine are from
points double The number of points WineEnthusiast rated the wine on a scale of 1-100 (though they say they only post reviews for wines that score >=80)
price double The cost for a bottle of the wine
province character The province or state that the wine is from
region_1 character The wine growing area in a province or state (ie Napa)
taster_name character The taster/reviewer
title character The title of the wine review, which often contains the vintage (year)
variety character Grape type
winery character The winery that made the wine

What words are more likely to be used to describe to specific wine varieties?

Here we can use tidylo to look at the probabilities that individual words are used in a particular variety (Merlot, Chardonnay, etc), compared to the how often that word is used OUTSIDE of that variety. This gives us a list of language used to describe different wine types -- perfect if, like me, you have no idea what you're doing with wine other than enjoying it. Fake your way through any fancy party with this easy trick:

Do people describe higher-scoring wines the same way they describe lower-scoring ones?

Looking at some simple scatterplots, we can look at how description length changes relative to the wine point score. Here, it looks like higher-scoring wines do tend to use more words! It looks like there's no real difference in the word length, so people generally aren't using more complex words for better-scoring wine.

What about the language that is used? If we assign categories to Low/Mid/High rated wines, what words are used? Let's look at the language used for price range, and for different point ratings on wines. Interesting -- the lower-rated wines seem to have almost sarcastic critical language associated with them; whereas lower-priced wines have more objective flavor descriptors.

Where are the best wines? The most expensive? The best bang-for-your-buck?

These were filtered down to include only wines that were less than $50, as there are some really expensive single bottles that were throwing off my visuals. So -- limiting the data to the set of wines that I might actually be willing to buy someday.

Boxplots arranged by ratings and price show which wines consistently rate well -- noting countries like England and Canada have highly-rated, but expensive wines. Peru has lower-ratings, but also generally more inexpensive wines. What's interesting are the countries that have highly-rated, but inexpensive wines! If we look at the ratio of points to price, Ukraine, Romania, and India all have the most points-per-dollar, while England brings up the rear -- you really have to pay to get their highly-rated bottles!

Do different types of wine follow the same patterns for rating vs price?

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