
Command line tool for working with Strava

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Endeavor is a Python command line tool for interfacing with Strava. It uses pyendeavor to communicate with the Strava API.

To run directly from a checkout, clone pystrava in another directory and link pystrava/src/pyendeavor to src/pyendeavor within endeavor.

Motivated by Strava


Endeavor has a help output and help output for each target:

$ ./endeavor --help
usage: endeavor [-h] [-v] [-q] {rides} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -v          verbose
  -q          show no extra output

  Valid commands

    rides     Work with Strava rides

$ ./endeavor rides --help
usage: endeavor rides [-h] --athlete ATHLETE [--club CLUBID]
                       [--startdate STARTDATE] [--enddate ENDDATE]
                       [--start STARTID] [--backup BACKUP]

Display strava rides

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --athlete ATHLETE     List rides for a particular athlete
  --club CLUBID         List rides for a particular club
  --startdate STARTDATE
                        List rides starting from YYYY-MM-DD
  --enddate ENDDATE     List rides until YYYY-MM-DD
  --start STARTID       List rides newer than (including) this ride number
  --backup BACKUP       Backup the rides found to the path provided. Ride file
                        names will be <id>.tcx and existing rides will not be


$ ./endeavor rides --athlete 279921 --enddate 2011-11-27
4232472 11/20/2011 Parkland, WA
4232479 11/13/2011 Seattle, WA
4232476 11/06/2011 Lakewood, WA
4232478 11/04/2011 Tacoma, WA
4232480 09/19/2011 Tacoma, WA

$ ./endeavor rides --athlete 279921 --startdate 2013-02-10 --enddate 2013-02-14
41019628 Dash Point BP
40786069 School + coffee shop

$ ./endeavor rides --athlete 279921 --startdate 2013-01-01 --backup output/
Wrote /Users/jkeating/src/endeavor/src/output/41019628.tcx
Wrote /Users/jkeating/src/endeavor/src/output/40786069.tcx
Wrote /Users/jkeating/src/endeavor/src/output/40366287.tcx