
Simple node service to deploy the plasma-contracts. Only one deployment can run at a time. Each deployment does the following:

  1. Cleans up after any previous deployment
  2. Clones the plasma-contracts repo with the given tag (or branch).
  3. Runs npm install in the cloned repo.
  4. Runs npx truffle + deploy.args in the cloned repo.

The results of the last 5 deploys are stored in memory.


The following environment variables should be set, either in the container or sent to the deploy job:

  • MIN_EXIT_PERIOD Minimum exit period in seconds. Required.
  • SOLC_VERSION Solidity compiler version. Defaults to 0.4.25
  • ETH_CLIENT_HOST Host of Ethereum client. Defaults to
  • ETH_CLIENT_PORT Port of Ethereum client. Defaults to 8545
  • DEPLOYER_ADDRESS Address of the DEPLOYER account. Defaults to accounts[0]
  • DEPLOYER_PASSPHRASE Passphrase of the DEPLOYER account.
  • AUTHORITY_PASSPHRASE Passphrase of the AUTHORITY account.
  • AUTHORITY_ADDRESS_INITIAL_AMOUNT The amount to fund the AUTHORITY account with (in wei). Defaults to 1 ETH.


Run a deployment

POST http://localhost:3333/deploy

	"deploy": {
		"id": "a6ff00e9feb18400551fef6c3e5900df",
		"args": ["migrate", "--quiet", "--network", "rinkeby"],
		"cwd": "/home/omg",
		"env": {

If no id is passed it will generate one. Returns the deploy id e.g. a6ff00e9feb18400551fef6c3e5900df

Get the status of a deploy

GET http://localhost:3333/deploy/:id/status

Returns what the deploy is currently doing, e.g.

  • Starting
  • Cloning git repo...
  • Running truffle...
  • Exited

Check if the deploy succeeded

GET http://localhost:3333/deploy/:id/success

Returns true if the tests passed (i.e. exited with code 0), false otherwise.

Get the output

GET http://localhost:3333/deploy/:id/output

Returns both stdout and stderr

    "stdout": "Compiling your contracts...",
    "stderr": "npm ERR! ...",
	"result": {
		"contract_addr": "0x8f2E86DBD4b174Cf42FF20a2e2A69d4D8c4c421E",
		"txhash_contract": "0x9d6760891302b49512d9e01ecde6bedb388a3269689b9e5e1c3303247c2757c8",
		"authority_addr": "0xA40D11b34654168451CF598a616F9c954E4BD852"