🎨 A tiny (2,8 KB) color picker component for React and Preact apps
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Upgrade React version
#214 opened by Manuelandro - 3
Hue resetting when dragging saturation to extreme
#176 opened by alundeen - 0
How to write unit test case?
#219 opened by appasaheb4 - 1
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Hue input rotation?
#203 opened by EntropyReversed - 0 props not typescript interference
#217 opened by alex-frx - 1
When my document did not has a head element?
#216 opened by zzlb0224 - 0
- 0
HexColorPicker + HexAlphaColorPicker have`aria-required-attr` accessibility issue
#213 opened by ikerestes - 0
HexColorPicker does not scale correct at short height
#212 opened by hdale94 - 3
Request for React 18 Compatibility
#210 opened by queee03 - 1
Incorrect pointer position when using CSS zoom
#207 opened by JeViCo - 0
- 0
It would be great to have `onChangeHue` event
#206 opened by t1m0n - 1
Love the ui. But can we disable Alpha selector?
#205 opened by emirefek - 0
export 'HexAlphaColorPicker' (imported as 'HexAlphaColorPicker') was not found in 'react-colorful' (module has no exports)
#204 opened by tulasinandan654 - 1
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Cannot manipulate the colorful css with Next.js ?
#200 opened by ZalwayJH - 0
Conflict when used within modal
#202 opened by kilimandzharov - 0
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internationalization support
#194 opened by josebui - 3
Is 2.8 KB correct?
#174 opened by vltansky - 2
phantom dot appearing at slider start
#188 opened by kitty433cute - 2
Chrome style picker?
#196 opened by gkiely - 6
Adding a color change "end" event
#187 opened by fitzmode - 1
Unable to drag the pointer
#197 opened by dnorrstrand - 3
- 0
HexColorInput text cursor moves to end of input field after each typed character
#198 opened by kpalmvik - 1
Color pointer not resetting after color change
#193 opened by grantspilsbury - 2
Add `onAfterChange` prop
#162 opened by abrehamgezahegn - 4
#157 opened by dcworldwide - 7
Jest 28 with jsdom environment can't parse an exported file from react-colorful
#190 opened by NikaBuligini - 5
HexColorPicker with Alpha
#161 opened by krlk89 - 1
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How can I use a hue picker vertically?
#178 opened by mustaquenadim - 0
Slider ARIA properties
#171 opened by aitchiss - 1
Ability for custom shapes picker
#183 opened by randyrollog - 3
Usage with classes?
#185 opened by matronator - 5
Restrict color choice to accessible colors
#169 opened by joachimesque - 1
Is it possible to only have a 2D color chooser?
#173 opened by MarcusHSmith - 3
Feature: True HSL Colorpicker
#172 opened by peterkogo - 1
className prop is overridden by default styles
#168 opened by rolule - 4
Handle dragging not working inside of Panel
#167 opened by NoodleBug - 6
About the 2d slider
#152 opened by diegohaz - 4
Iframe Support
#153 opened by Chetan11-dev - 0
#164 opened by Passch - 2
RGBA calc error when change alpha
#163 opened by ZiQiangWang - 3
Support for transparency in HexColorInput
#154 opened by Kilian - 2
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custom properties in preset colors
#149 opened by dmartinjs