Built using Python and Django for the backend, with CSS and JavaScript for the frontend.
- Products
- Accounts
- Cart
- News
- Reviews
- Publishers and Developers
- Purchase products via Stripe API with session management
- Product search functionality
- Advanced product filtering with multiple criteria
- User authentication and registration, including GitHub integration
- Automated news updates through web scraping
- Comprehensive product pages with screenshots, trailers, and detailed information
- User reviews and ratings for products
- Display of average product ratings
- Ability to add products to favorites or cart, and view the number of favorites
- Discount application feature
- Information on product localization and system requirements
- And many more!
- Design and layout enhancements
- Python
- Django
- JavaScript
- Docker
- Celery
- Redis
- Stripe API
- Django MPTT
- And more...
Select a directory where the project will be stored.
Clone the repository by running:
git clone https://github.com/omgupta2202/Play-ground
Navigate to the project root and install the necessary dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Apply the migrations and start the server:
cd service python3 manage.py migrate python3 manage.py runserver
That's all you need to get started!