
Algorithms for Metabolite Named Entity Recognition. See Open Access publication at: https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo12040276

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the codes and models of a metabolite named entity recognition (NER) project. The main features you can find in this repository are as follows:

  • An automatically annotated metabolomics training corpus (TrainingSet.txt, TrainingSetAnnot.tsv) in the Corpus directory;
  • A manually annotated metabolomics test corpus (GoldStandard.txt, GoldStandardAnnot.tsv) in the Corpus directory;
  • An automatically annotated metabolomics corpus (MetabolomicsCorpus.txt, MetabolomicsCorpusAnnot.tsv) in the Corpus directory (which comprises with all TrainingSet data and the automatically annotated results of the test set);
  • A rule-based annotation pipeline that automatically annotate (AutoCORPus-processed) publications (generate_corpus.py);
  • MetaboListem, a machine learning model that recognises metabolite names (metabolistem_model.py), adapted from a chemical NER model named ChemListem;
  • TABoLiSTM, a BERT-based machine learning model that recognises metabolite names (tabolistem_model.py), adapted from MetaboListem.

DOI DOI:10.1101/2022.02.22.481457 DOI:10.3390/metabo12040276


This project is written in Python 3.7.10 and has been tested on Windows 10. Compatibility with other Python versions and systems have not been verified.

To exploit our package, the following dependencies are required:

transformers == 4.7.0
scikit-learn == 0.24.1
numpy == 1.19.2
pandas == 1.2.3
tensorflow-gpu == 2.4.0

In addition, using generate_corpus requires an extra package

spacy == 3.0.6


MetaboListem is a machine-learning based metabolite NER algorithm, adapted from a chemical NER model called ChemListem.

Using MetaboListem

This repository includes a trained MetaboListem model in the in the Models folder. You can import and load our MetaboListem model as follows:

import metabolistem_model
json_path = 'PATH/TO/metabolistem.json'
model_path = 'PATH/TO/metabolistem.h5'

mm = metabolistem_model.MetaboListem()

Then you can process your text by, e.g.,

text='Glucose, glutamine and lactate are the most frequently mentioned metabolites in cancer studies. '

which would return a list:

[(0, 7, 'Glucose'), (9, 18, 'glutamine'), (23, 30, 'lactate')]

The items in the output list are tuples with format (start_idx, end_idx, metabolite), where

  • start_idx is the position of the start character.
  • end_idx is the position of the end character.
  • metabolite is the recognised metabolite.

Similarly, you can process a batch of texts by calling

texts=['We found that 1-methyl-6,7-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline,', 
       'Morphine and hippuric acid were higher in the disease group.']

which results

[[(14, 68, '1-methyl-6,7-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline')], 
 [(0, 8, 'Morphine'), (13, 26, 'hippuric acid')]]

that is, a list of lists where each list corresponds to the entity recognition output of each sentence.

Training MetaboListem

Before training your own MetaboListem model with our architecture, it is recommended to obtain the 6B 300d pre-trained word embeddings from GloVe; you can get it by downloading glove.6B.zip and unzipping glove.6B.300d.txt. Albeit being recommended, the word embedding file is optional and you could proceed without it. Other files (words.txt) can be found in the ChemListem repository.

The MetaboListem model can be trained like the following example:

import metabolistem_model
mm = metabolistem_model.MetaboListem()

where the arguments of mm.train are:

  • textfile: the filename of the training text file - e.g. "TrainingSet.txt"
  • annotfile: the filename of the training annotation file - e.g. "TrainingSetAnnot.tsv"
  • glovefile: None, or the filename of the GloVe file - e.g. "glove.6B.300d.txt"
  • runname: Part of the output filenames.

This would produce a trained model, which is constituted of two main files:

  • metabolistem_$RUNNAME.h5: the keras model
  • metabolistem_$RUNNAME.json: auxilliary information

Each epoch in the training process also produces a model file on its own; the files are named:

  • epoch_$EPOCHNUM_$RUNAME.h5

Only one json file would be produced as the auxilliary information is not dependent to epochs.


TABoLiSTM is a model adapted from MetaboListem above; in essence, the main difference is that the GloVe word embedding system is replaced with pre-trained BERT embeddings.


Applying TABoLiSTM models follows a very similar process as MetaboListem.

The first step is to import and to load the model (available on zenodo):

import tabolistem_model
weight_path='PATH/TO/tabolistem_weights'    ## no suffix

tm = tabolistem_model.TaboListem()

Then, like MetaboListem, you can process your text by calling


which returns a list of tuples (start_idx, end_idx, entity).

Alternatively, calling


is recommended if multiple strings are to be processed at once for sake of shorter runtime.

Training TABoLiSTM

import tabolistem_model
tm = tabolistem_model.TaboListem()
tm.train(textfile, annotfile, runname)

where the arguments of tm.train are

  • textfile: the filename of the training text file.
  • annotfile: the filename of the training annotation file.
  • runname: Part of the output filenames.


The data used in the study consists of Open Access metabolomics publications (n=1,218) from PubMed Central (PMC). Sentences in the corpus are excerpted from Abstract, Method, Result, and Discussion sections of these publications and processed in a rule-based fashion with generate_corpus.py.

Dataset structure

The metabolomics dataset provided here comprises two files, namely

  • TrainingSet.txt containing sentences that mention at least one metabolite
  • TrainingSetAnnot.tsv containing the positions of the metabolites and the metabolites themselves

Specifically, the two files are structured as the following examples respectively:

PMC2538910  R01008  Citrulline and ornithine, urea cycle intermediates.
PMC2538910	R01008	0	10	Citrulline
PMC2538910	R01008	15	24	ornithine
PMC2538910	R01008	26	30	urea

where PMC2538910 is the PMC identifier of the source article, and R01008 is the sentence identifier. The sentence id has three parts: for example in R01008, R means the Result section, 01 the second subsection and 008 the ninth identified sentence.

Generating dataset

The training set files are generated automatically with the rule-based annotation pipeline generate_corpus.py. To use this script, you can type in command lines:


which requires 6 arguments:

  • -b: Directory of PMC json files processed by AutoCORPus
  • -t: Output directory
  • -n: Output filename
  • -m: Filepath to a file storing a list of metabolite names for exact dictionary matching (e.g. MetaboliteNames.txt)
  • -r: Filepath to a file storing a list of regular expressions for entity recognition (e.g. RegexList_RuleBasedAnnotation.txt)
  • -e: Filepath to a file storing a list of regular expressions to exclude unwanted entities (e.g. ExclusionList_RuleBasedAnnotation.txt)

The metabolite names here (MetaboliteNames.txt) were downloaded from the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB).