Hello! I'm Omid and this is a repository for my learning journey. Here, I document my learning process about programming and technology.
- Introduction
- Why did I create this repository?
- What am I learning?
- How am I learning?
- Contact Me
This repository serves as a personal log of my learning process in the field of programming and technology. It contains code snippets, notes, and resources that I find useful.
I created this repository to keep track of my progress and to share my journey with others who might find it helpful. It's also a great way for me to reflect on what I've learned.
I'm currently focusing on Python programming, but I'm also interested in web development, machine learning, deep learning, machine vision, and data science. You'll find various resources related to these topics in this repository.
I believe in learning by doing. Therefore, most of my time is spent coding and working on projects. I also take online courses and participate in coding challenges.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions. You can also contribute to this repository by submitting a pull request.
Happy coding!