
Start all parts of Subsocial in Docker containers with a single script.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Subsocial Starter by DappForce

This guide will walk you through starting an entire Subsocial stack with just one shell script.

To learn more about Subsocial, please visit us at Subsocial.Network.

Supported by Web3 Foundation

Web3 Foundation grants badge

Subsocial is the recipient of a technical grant from Web3 Foundation - official announcement. We have successfully delivered on all three milestones submitted in our grant application.


Linux environment or macOS with Docker and Docker Compose installed.

Test that Docker was installed correctly, try to run the following commands: NOTE: none of the commands should fail.

docker images
docker ps
docker run --rm -it alpine cat /etc/os-release

Possible issues on Linux

If you are using Linux and having a permission issue with Docker, try running the following commands:

sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl disable docker

After running the commands, logout and log back in. The Docker commands should now run without sudo.

Easy start

If you're new to Subsocial, it is best to start with the defaults.

Clone a starter repo

git clone https://github.com/dappforce/dappforce-subsocial-starter.git
cd dappforce-subsocial-starter

Start entire Subsocial project locally

./start.sh --substrate-mode rpc --substrate-extra-opts "--dev"

Launch Subsocial parts one by one

Substrate nodes

Container name External Port Local URL Description
subsocial-node-rpc 9944 ws://localhost:9944 RPC sync node
subsocial-node-validator 30334 Archive authority node

Start Substrate nodes

By default two nodes will be started: RPC and validator.

We will use --only-substrate option to run only Substrate nodes:

./start.sh --only-substrate

​If you would like to start archive RPC. The command below is the only available method (for now) which is connected to Subsocial network:

./start.sh --only-substrate --substrate-mode-rpc --substrate-extra-opts "--name MyNodeName --pruning archive"

However, you will have no ability to manage anything inside of them. To do this, you may want to launch Substrate node with extra option --dev.

For example:

./start.sh --only-substrate --substrate-mode rpc --substrate-extra-opts "--dev"

Here we also used the --substrate-mode rpc option. That is because running in development mode we do not need any validators.

Stop Substrate nodes

To stop Substrate nodes:

./start.sh --only-substrate --stop

If you want not only stop containers, but also clean data, go with:

./start.sh --only-substrate --stop --clean-data

Offchain services

Container name External Ports Local URL Description
subsocial-offchain 3001, 3011 http://localhost:3001/v1 Subsocial Offchain
subsocial-elasticsearch 9200 http://localhost:9200 ElasticSearch
subsocial-postgres PostgreSQL

Start containers

By default, three containers will be started:

  • Subsocial Offchain – responsible for Substrate events handling and Subsocial REST API.
  • ElasticSearch – responsible for full-text search.
  • PostgreSQL – responsible personal news feeds and notifications.

We will use --only-offchain to run Offchain only:

./start.sh --only-offchain

In most cases you will want to launch Offchain on a separate server. If so, you will want to use next command:

./start.sh --global --only-substrate --substrate-url <Websocket endpoint> --offchain-cors "<UI URL>"

You can start Offchain without IPFS node by following the next steps:

  1. Run IPFS on external server
  2. Run Offchain with next options:
./start.sh --only-offchain --no-ipfs --ipfs-ip all <IP of IPFS server>

IPFS cluster

Container name External Ports Local URL Description
subsocial-ipfs-node 8080 http://localhost:8080 IPFS Node
subsocial-ipfs-cluster 9094, 9096 http://localhost:9094 IPFS Cluster

Start containers

By default it will start two containers: IPFS Cluster and IPFS Node (gateway).

We use --only-ipfs to run IPFS only:

./start.sh --only-ipfs --offchain-url <Offchain URL>

--offchain-url is mandatory here, because of CORS are used for IPFS cluster access.

You can specify initial IPFS cluster bootnodes in order to connect to Subsocial as a cluster peer. Example:

./start.sh --only-ipfs --cluster-bootstrap '"/ip4/","/ip4/"'

NOTE: --cluster-bootstrap value should be provided as a single string with URIs wrapped in double-quotes (") each and separated by commas.

If you want to add, remove or entirely override trusted peers (ones that are able to pin/unpin content on IPFS), you might want to use --cluster-peers option:

To add a peer:

./start.sh --only-ipfs --cluster-peers add '"PeerURI-1", "PeerURI-2"'

To remove a peer:

./start.sh --only-ipfs --cluster-peers remove '"PeerURI-1", "PeerURI-2"'

To entirely override trusted peers:

./start.sh --only-ipfs --cluster-peers override '["*"]'

NOTE: that when you override, you should provide JSON like array of peers.

NOTE: all - add, remove and override should have every Peer URI wrapped by double quotes.

To get Peer URI (e.g /ip4/ use --cluster-id option:

./start.sh --cluster-id


Available options

The start.sh script comes with a set of options for customizing project startup.

Option Description
--instance [name] This allows to run several instances simultaneously. Note that instance name must be unique string within Docker images and container names.
--force-pull Pull Docker images tagged latest if only --tag isn't specified.
--tag Specify Docker images tag.
--stop (--clean-data) Stop and delete the Docker containers. If --clean-data is specified, Elasticsearch passwords, offchain state and Docker volumes will be deleted.
--no-offchain Start Subsocial stack without Offchain storage and ElasticSearch.
--no-substrate Start Subsocial stack without Substrate node.
--no-proxy Start Subsocial stack without Caddy server proxy.
--no-ipfs Start Subsocial stack without IPFS Cluster.
--only-offchain Start (or update) only Offchain container.
--only-substrate Start (or update) only Substrate node's container.
--only-proxy Start (or update) only Caddy server proxy container.
--only-ipfs Start (or update) only IPFS Cluster container.
--substrate-url Specify Substrate websocket URL. Example: ./start.sh --global --substrate-url ws://
--offchain-url Specify Offchain URL. Example: ./start.sh --global --offchain-url
--elastic-url Specify ElasticSearch cluster URL. Example: ./start.sh --global --elastic-url
--ipfs-ip <readonly/cluster/all> Specify custom IPFS IP for IPFS Gateway (readonly), IPFS Cluster or both.
--substrate-extra-opts Start Substrate node with additional Substrate CLI options. Example: ./start.sh --substrate-extra-opts "--dev --name my-subsocial-node"
--substrate-mode <rpc/validator> Start Substrate in a specified mode (rpc or validator). By default (when isn't specified) starts both nodes RPC and Authority (validator).
--substrate-cors "URL list" Override default RPC-cors for Substrate node (e.g. --substrate-cors "http://localhost,https://polkadot.js.org"). By default CORS includes https://app.subsocial.network, https://polkadot.js.org, https://polkaverse.com, and https://sub.id.
--cluster-id Show IPFS Cluster peers if it's running.
--cluster-peers <add/remove/override> Add, remove or override trusted peers to/from IPFS Cluster. Example: ./start.sh --cluster-peers add '["*"]'
--cluster-bootstrap "list" Specify initial IPFS Cluster peers as if it's done via ipfs-cluster-service CLI. Example: ./start.sh --cluster-bootstrap "/ip4/<FIRST_IP>/tcp/9066/<FIRST_IDENTITY_ID>, /ip4/<SECOND_IP>/tcp/9066/<SECOND_IDENTITY_ID>"
--cluster-mode <crdt/raft> Specify IPFS Cluster consensus mode, which can be crdt or raft.
--cluster-secret Specify IPFS Cluster secret if consensus is RAFT. Cluster secret must be equal across all cluster nodes.
--cluster-peername Specify IPFS Cluster peer name. Each Cluster node must have its own unique peer name.
--offchain-cors Specify Offchain CORS (from what URL or IP it will be accessible). Example: ./start.sh --only-offchain --offchain-cors "https://mydomain.com"
--offchain-cmd Override default startup command for offchain image. Example: ./start.sh --only-offchain --offchain-cmd "yarn api"
--show-ports Show ports of the current instance. Example: ./start.sh --instance backup --show-ports
--unsafe-expose-ports Make Docker to unsafely expose ports outside of local machine.


Subsocial is GPL 3.0 licensed.