
simple tools for NLP

Primary LanguageScala


simple tools for NLP

Anything could change in next releases

In this project there will be simple tools for everyday NLP tasks


 resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")

 libraryDependencies += "com.github.omidb" %%% "nlputils" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"

It contains a reader for OntoNotes.

 val file = scala.io.Source.fromFile("E:/data/ontonotes-release-5.0/data/files/data/english/annotations/mz/sinorama/10/ectb_1001.onf").getLines().toIndexedSeq
 val ontdoc = OntoNotesReader.read(file)

It contains coreference chains, name entities, predicate arguments, parse trees and word senses.

You can also do any S-Expr parse:

val tree = "(TOP (S (VP (V kill)) (NP him)))"

val dg:DGraph[IndexedSeq[String],String] = SExpression.parse(tree)

You can look at DGraph lib and its useful property here: https://github.com/omidb/dgraph