Normal Form Race - Video Game Consoles as Data

The domain of this data exercise is video game consoles. Users are invited to provide information about 3 different video game consoles they are using at home. That information is then presented back to the user in different relational data models. The purpose of the app is to illustrate different levels of normalization.

A further goal of the app is to provide analysis of the physical implementation of each form. How well does a database perform with each implementation?

This app is meant to illustrate different levels of normalization for the educational benefit of the user. Please send feedback and suggestions to

User Stories

Core Functionality

User sees homepage

As a user
I want to navigate to a home page and see a form and instructions
So that I know what the purpose of the site is

Acceptance Criteria

  • [] I see static instructions
  • [] I see a form

User submits raw data

As a user
I want to submit raw data, using the form
So that I can see the different relational data modeling schemes

Acceptance Criteria

  • [] I fill the fields with information
  • [] The fields constrain data to a limited domain
  • [] I am presented with errors if something is blank or incorrect
  • [] I am able to submit the data
  • [] If error-free, am redirected to the page containing my data

User sees data in different models

As a user I want to see my submitted data presented in different models So that I can compare the different levels of normal forms

Acceptance Criteria

  • [] I see four different presentations, corresponding to Universal Relations, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form and Third Normal Form