
📖 Dynamically generated your latest Medium article on your GitHub readmes!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub Readme Medium

📖 Show your latest Medium article on your READMEs!


Copy paste following markdown into your markdown content, and that's it. Easy Easy Tammam Tammam!

Change the ?username= value to your Medium's username.

[![Omid Nikrah Medium](https://github-readme-medium.vercel.app/?username=omidnikrah)](https://medium.com/@omidnikrah)

Omid Nikrah Medium

[![Omid Nikrah Medium](https://github-readme-medium.vercel.app/?username=omidnikrah&limit=2&bg=red&text=green)](https://medium.com/@omidnikrah)

use hexacode without using '#' symbol

[![Omid Nikrah Medium](https://github-readme-medium.vercel.app/?username=omidnikrah&limit=2&bg=222f2e&text=ff0000)](https://medium.com/@omidnikrah)


Name Description Default value
username Your Medium username REQUIRED
limit Count of articles to show 1
bg Background color for card white
text color for text black

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