
Quantitative Analysis on sports betting

Primary LanguagePython


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This script is meant for filtering out your wager results (including ROI, Records, and Profit) using various bet types (ML, Spread, OverUnder) and various sports.


Prerequisites: virtualenv should be installed.

# Working directory should be the repo root

# Set up a new virtualenv - here named 'venv'
virtualenv venv

# Activate the virtualenv - below is the Windows Powershell way

# Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download a file from NitrogenSports with your entire wager history, and format it as a .txt in plain text. Put the wagers.txt file in the same directory as these scripts and run python3 analysis.py. You will have to update the analysis.py script for a different filter.


Although it started out as a personal script and customized specifically for me, I'm expecting this to become a more general tool for anyone. Perhaps even generalize it for sportsbooks beyond Nitrogen.

Feel free to fork and help build this up for all of us sports gamblers!