PredictIt Tracking and Analysis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PredictIt Tracking and Analysis
primary language: Python 2.7 requires Unix/Linux for Cron scheduling


-Polls the predictit.org API every minute to retrieve current pricing data as a JSON object
-Inserts data into SQLite3 database using SQLAlchemy ORM
-Processes requests for historical prices and outputs data as .csv

-Train LSTM neural network to predict price movement


Clone the directory:

git clone https://github.com/Talophex/PITA.git

Install pip.

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create the SQLite3 database to store data:

python CreateDatabase.py

Add cron job to poll API once per minute:

python CronScheduler.py

Basic use:

I. To dump price data into csv, run:

python DumpCSV.py <market-predictit-id>

A separate csv file will be created for each contract found in the specified market.

II. To disconnect the current database for storage, run:

python DisconnectDatabase.py

A new database will automatically be created by CreateDatabase.py to ensure no disruptions to data acquisition.