
Viscous hydrodynamics for anisotropic initial conditions. Please see (in progress) for derivations and descriptions of the here-in contained methods.

Most of the code has been adapted from the C++ implementation by Mike McNelis. The relevant papers are:

  1. D. Bazow, U. Heinz and M. Strickland, Comput. Phys. Commun. 225 (2018) 92-113
  2. M. McNelis, D. Bazow and U. Heinz, Phys. Rev. C 97, 054912 (2018)

Getting Started

The jupyter notebook Anisotropic_first_order_numerics.ipynb does the numerical evolution of the hydrodynamic equations, and outputs the energy density as a function of time (still deciding how I want to do this).

The notebook requires the files hydro_simulation.py and hydro_model.py to run. The code was packaged into these modules so the Jupyter notebook itself is more readable.