Orders Table App

A React-based application to manage orders with sorting, virtual scrolling, and efficient data handling.

Table of Contents


  • Order Sorting: Sort orders by id, customerName, orderAmount, and status.
  • TypeScript Support: Ensures type safety and improves development experience.
  • Virtual Scrolling: Efficient handling of large datasets with smooth scrolling in Table - 2.
  • Efficient Data Fetching

Getting Started

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Data generation script: Generate mock data for testing by running:

    npm run create-data
  3. Run the development server:

    npm run dev


Project Structure

  • Components: Core UI components for displaying and interacting with order data.
  • Hooks: Custom hooks for data fetching, sorting, and performance optimization.
  • Scripts: Utility scripts for data creation and other backend functions.

Hooks Usage

The app uses the following hooks for efficient data management and UI interactivity:

  • useEffect: Manages side effects, such as fetching data when the component mounts or when dependencies change.
  • useState: Handles the local state for sorting configurations, such as the selected sort key and direction.
  • useMemo: Memoizes derived data like sorted orders to prevent unnecessary re-renders, improving performance.
  • useCallback: Ensures that functions like requestSort are not redefined on each render, optimizing component re-renders.
  • React Query (useQuery): Fetches order data and manages caching, refetching, and updating, ensuring the UI reflects real-time data changes.

Performance Optimization

Several strategies are used to enhance the performance of the Orders Management App:

  1. Memoization with useMemo:

    • The sorted list of orders is memoized to avoid recalculating the sort operation on each render.
  2. Callback Memoization with useCallback:

    • Functions like requestSort are wrapped in useCallback to ensure they are not recreated on each render, reducing re-renders.
  3. Efficient Data Fetching with React Query:

    • React Query caches data and reduces the need for repeated network requests, improving speed and responsiveness.
  4. Virtual Scrolling:

    • Handles large lists efficiently by rendering only the visible portion of data, reducing DOM node counts and enhancing scrolling performance.

Technologies Used

  • React - UI Library for building user interfaces
  • TypeScript - Type-safe JavaScript for better development experience
  • React Query - Data fetching and state management library
  • Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework for styling
  • Virtual Scrolling Library - (e.g., react-window or react-virtualized) for efficient scrolling with large datasets