
This React project utilizes GSAP for animations, featuring a button that, when clicked, triggers a box to move randomly across the screen on the x and y axes while rotating over 360 degrees multiple times. The box's movement and rotation are driven by GSAP's random utility for dynamic positioning.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



GSAP stands for GreenSock Animation Platform. It is a robust JavaScript library used for creating high-performance animations for the web. GSAP provides a range of tools and plugins that simplify the process of animating HTML elements, SVGs, canvas objects, and more, making it a popular choice among developers for creating interactive and visually appealing web animations.

About this project

This project is developed using React and incorporates GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) for advanced animations. At the core of this project is an interactive button positioned at the center of the screen. When this button is clicked, it triggers a complex animation sequence involving a box.

Upon activation, the box begins a dynamic movement across the screen, transitioning fluidly along both the Y-axis and the X-axis. The motion is randomized, leveraging GSAP's capabilities to generate random coordinates, ensuring that the box navigates to unpredictable positions within the screen's boundaries.

In addition to its translational motion, the box undergoes a continuous rotational animation. It performs over Multiple rotations, each surpassing 360 degrees, creating a visually captivating effect. This combination of random movement and extensive rotation showcases the powerful animation features provided by GSAP.

The implementation of these animations highlights the integration of React's component-based architecture with GSAP's rondom animation library, resulting in a seamless and engaging user experience.