
Stack-based Buffer Overflow - Vulnerable binaries and exploit samples for pwnable beginners

Primary LanguagePython

Stack Buffer Overflow - Protection Bypass Techniques


Quick Start

docker build -t stack-bof .
docker run \
  --rm \
  -v $(PWD):/stack-bof \
  --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \
  --security-opt="seccomp=unconfined" \
  -it stack-bof \
cd /stack-bof

Write an exploit code from the template

cd ./0_ret2win
cp ../.util/exploit_template.py ./my_exploit.py
vim ./my_exploit.py

Run an exploit with GDB

python3 exploit.py NOASLR GDB

Run tests

python3 -m unittest discover .test/ "*_test.py"