Introduction to Rails discussion questions

Take 30 minutes to discuss the following questions with your table group.

Rails router

  1. What are the seven conventional REST routes for a pizza resource? For each route list the HTTP verb, path and rails controller/action pair.
HTTP URI Route / Controller Action CRUD AR Method Used for: SQL
GET /pizzas #index READ Pizza.all Display a list of all pizzas SELECT * FROM pizzas
GET /pizzas/new #new READ Return an HTML form for creating a new pizza
POST /pizzas #create CREATE Pizza.create OR .new + .save conditional Create a new pizza INSERT INTO pizzas (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2)
GET /pizzas/:id #show READ Pizza.find(params[:id]) Display a specific pizza SELECT * FROM pizzas WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1
GET /pizzas/:id/edit #edit READ Pizza.find(params[:id]) Return an HTML form for editing a pizza SELECT * FROM pizzas WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1
PATCH /pizzas/:id #update UPDATE Pizza.update Update a specific pizza UPDATE pizzas SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2 WHERE id = :id
DELETE /pizzas/:id #destroy DELETE Pizza.find(params[:id]).destroy Delete a specific pizza DELETE FROM pizzas WHERE id = :id
  1. What benefits does naming a route provide? (e.g. get '/pizzas, to: 'pizzas#index, as: 'pizzas')

When your Rails application receives an incoming request for:

- avoid the need to hardcode strings in views
- reduces the brittleness of a view and makes code easier to understand
- the id will not need to be specified in the route helper
  1. Assuming you are using the standard REST routes, what rails built-in methods can be used to write concise routes?

You can change get 'pizzas/:id', to: 'pizzas#show' to:

resources :pizza ,only: [:index, :show]
  • Some performance and memory benefits :)

Rails Request and Response cycle

  1. What are the steps that Rails will take to implement the use cases below? List the verb/path, controller/action and associated SQL.

Answer in chart above.