POA <-> Ethereum bridge for self transfers of POA native token to POA20 (ERC20 representation). Not supported. Use TokenBridge instead
- acravenho@poanetwork
- Alexintosh@Ethereum
- bluketalk
- d10r
- danoctavianYieldNest
- dentropyToronto
- derek518
- dongsam@b-harvest
- esnekoLatvia
- geekwayne
- holybao
- igorbarinovBlockscout
- ihalton
- imwaihon
- JackBekket
- JesseAbram
- joeshae
- kaichen@imtoken
- lerajkChainSafe Systems
- mengguangShenZhen China
- neohopeneohope
- noot@ChainSafe
- p-s-dev
- progerSan Francisco
- robbinhanFunplus
- RubenOlt
- Sandybaby07Taiwan, Taipei
- shogochiaiEcdysis Inc.
- SiarheiMelnikMinsk, Belarus
- sndEarth
- swift1911East China Normal University
- vietlqUnited Kingdom
- vyorkin@zeriontech
- xiaojay
- xiyangzuile
- xshrim