
Zapp is a Windows process orchestrator for packed apps.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Build status NuGet

Zapp is a distribution/orchestration service for standalone NuGet packages.


If you have tightly coupled packages which are automatically deployed and needs to be fused into single applications.


  • Merge (zip, nupkg) files into standalone apps.
  • Orchestration (draining) of apps.

All features are maintained on-deploy



Install the NuGet package using the command below:

Install-Package Zapp

...or search for Zapp in the NuGet index.

Getting started

We currently only support Ninject to bootstrap:


Zapp uses Swagger to document all the rest-api methods.



Zapp is split into different services:

Service Description
IRestService Service which provides http-method(s) for announcing new deployments.
IConfigStore Store used for providing configuration to other services.
ISyncService Service used to verify and synchronize deploy versions across nodes.
IPackService Service used for loading the developer's packaged code.
IFusionService Service used fusing the developer's packages into standalone apps.
IScheduleService Service used for orchestrating the standalone apps.
IDeployService Service used for orchestrating the incoming deploymens.


The package only uses file-based packing and orchestrating.