- 1
- 2
Not working anymore for new sessions
#98 opened by lluchez - 0
Support for expiring access tokens
#99 opened by pbstriker38 - 9
CSRF detected
#37 opened by arg - 3
OAuth2::Error at /auth/github/callback bad_verification_code: error=bad_verification_code
#33 opened by tombell - 3
OmniAuth v2.0.0
#94 opened by BobbyMcWho - 2
rails on undefiend `use` method
#91 opened by Anthonyntilelli - 1
Follow/mention SemVer compliance in README
#77 opened by pravi - 1
Change link to oauth registration on GitHub
#80 opened by dapi - 4
- 3
- 4
Can you please tag a new release?
#88 opened by patrobinson - 3
Request access to cut new versions of Gem
#87 opened by suprnova32 - 3
- 0
ReadME doesn't mention gemfile
#82 opened by Jonpatt92 - 1
Setup automated testing
#67 opened by andrew - 1
How to use omniauth to access users starred repos
#34 opened by iandesj - 2
404 error message
#76 opened by jedrekdomanski - 1
Does it support GitHub App?
#74 opened by sotayamashita - 2
The redirect_uri MUST match the registered callback URL for this application.
#72 opened by kddnewton - 2
No emails are returned
#68 opened by beanieboi - 3
Warning Generated by requiring gem
#64 opened by jgnagy - 3
Please publish to rubygems
#63 opened by windows-2000 - 12
Ominauth github returns unverified email addresses
#36 opened by SamSaffron - 3
When user is not already logged into GitHub, they are not redirected to callback URL
#56 opened by chrisvfritz - 3
User's organization list not populated
#60 opened by bwalsh - 1
Empty results on token
#62 opened by shreyaq3 - 0
wishlist: port spec suite to RSpec3
#52 opened by boutil - 1
push to rubygems
#59 opened by yaodong - 1
Hybrid authentication doesn't work
#54 opened by JiriChara - 1
Why store Github uid rather than username?
#53 opened by 2016rshah - 1
csrf issue
#44 opened by testbrian - 1
Bad verification error
#46 opened by FlorianLoch - 2
team member authentication
#16 opened by vigosan - 1
Release a new version
#35 opened by calleluks - 3
Auth fails when no scope specified
#12 opened by andrewhavens - 6
- 1
Github Enterprise Support
#23 opened by jasonnoble - 2
Omniauth is broken
#21 opened by paulmillr - 1
Error authenticating in Rails 3
#18 opened by agis - 1
How to make redirection?
#11 opened by paulmillr - 1
Scope not being passed to GitHub
#1 opened by timsegraves