
Gem release?

jduff opened this issue ยท 16 comments

jduff commented

Would it be possible to get a new gem released? It looks like a few patches have been merged which means I can get off the fork I was using, would be great to move over to a released version of the gem as well.


Agreed, 0.1.2 would be much appreciated.

please publish to rubygems 0.1.3, it's already created

@dandrews can we get a new release now that the OmniAuth 2.0 changes have been merged in?

Would someone like to take this project over? As great as they are, I'm no longer working with Ruby, Okta, Omniauth.

@dandrews Would it be worthwhile to transfer ownership to the OmniAuth organization, as mentioned in #15? If not, I can take ownership and see if the CoverMyMeds organization can own it.

jduff commented

๐Ÿ‘ to moving it to the OmniAuth organization. I'm happy to help with this as I'm still using the gem, but under the OmniAuth org seems more future proof than moving it to another individual.

Reading this doc it looks like whoever transfers it will need rights to create a repo in that org. If you like, you can transfer this repo to me in the interim and I will handle getting it into the OmniAuth Org

Thanks everyone. Much appreciated. I really like the idea of transferring to the OmniAuth org. @BobbyMcWho I'll transfer it to you. Thank you again.

@BobbyMcWho - I get the following when I try to transfer: BobbyMcWho/omniauth-okta already exists

I just realized that I have a fork so I can't take it. I invited you to join the OmniAuth org, which you can join, then transfer to the org, then leave the org if you like

Ok cool thank you will do.

@dandrews thanks for transferring that. If you wouldn't mind passing push rights on rubygems as well that'd be great ๐Ÿ˜„

@BobbyMcWho can do - I added you as an owner on rubygems, feel free to add whoever else you think should be added.

Appreciate it!

I have released 0.1.3 based on this commit

I have released 1.0.0 based on this commit

Both releases can be found on rubygems