
AWS EC2 filter and display running instances

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


List and filter running AWS EC2 instances. Supports multiple profiles and saving them for easy querying of multiple accounts.


To install from source, run in the root of the repo:

pip install -e .

Usage Help


usage: listec2 [-h] [-p PROFILE] [-x] [--update-config] [filter_string]

List running AWS EC2 servers

positional arguments:
  filter_string         Filter for specific string in server names

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        awscli configured profile
  -x, --no-early-exit   Stop querying different profiles once servers found
  --update-config       Force prompt for updating config (forces explicitly
                        set profile to be ignored)

Use Cases

The listec2 allows storing which profiles to use and will loop through the profiles searching for matching servers until some are found in an account. By default the script will exit and show output as soon as servers are matched to avoid extended wait times.

To store the list of profiles, run the listec2 command with the --update-config option and the command will prompt for input of the new list of profiles.

To use with a single profile or avoid getting a prompt for profiles use the --profile|-p option to specify the profile to use.