Course Registration Waiting List

This repository contains the code for a Course Registration Waiting List application developed by Rafael Hidalgo. The application is designed to manage a waiting list of students who wish to register for a course. Users can add students to the waiting list, view the list, and remove students from it.

Key Features

  1. Add Students: Users can add students to the waiting list by providing their name and email.
  2. View Waiting List: The main screen displays a list of students currently on the waiting list.
  3. Remove Students: Users can remove students from the waiting list.

Code Structure

  • This is the main activity of the application. It handles the user interface interactions and manages the list of students.

  • This adapter class is responsible for displaying the list of students in a RecyclerView.

  • & These classes are related to the database operations. The DAO (Data Access Object) provides methods to interact with the database, and the AppDatabase class sets up the Room database.

  • This is the entity class representing a student. It contains attributes like name and email.

  • Layout Files:


This application serves as a simple yet effective tool for managing a course registration waiting list. It demonstrates the use of Android's Room database for data persistence and showcases the implementation of CRUD operations in a mobile application.