
App that implements naviagtion to MSU

Primary LanguageJava

Drive To MSU Hidalgo

This repository contains the source code for the "Drive To MSU Hidalgo" Android application.


The application provides a simple user interface with a text description and a button. When the user clicks the button, the application will open Google Maps and assist the user in navigating by car from their current location to Montclair State University in Montclair, New Jersey.

Main Components:

  • MainActivity.java: The primary activity file where the main logic of the application resides. It contains the functionality to open Google Maps and set the destination to Montclair State University. View File

  • AndroidManifest.xml: The manifest file that describes the essential information about the application to the Android build tools, the Android operating system, and Google Play. View File

  • activity_main.xml: The main layout file that defines the user interface of the application. It contains a text view and a button for user interaction. View File

  • build.gradle: Contains build configurations for the application. View File

  • gradle.properties: Contains properties for the Gradle build system. View File

  • strings.xml: Contains string resources used in the application. View File

  • colors.xml: Defines color resources used in the application. View File

  • themes.xml: Contains theme resources for the application. View File


  • ExampleInstrumentedTest.java: Contains instrumented tests for the application. View File

  • ExampleUnitTest.java: Contains unit tests for the application. View File