
Calculate geometric differences of two GeoJSON/Shapefiles

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Calculate difference between two GeoJSON or Shapefiles. Can be used for change detection between to similar data sets.


    pip install fiona pyproj shapely rtree


  python geom_difference.py \
    --a-file=administrative_current.geojson \
    --b-file=administrative_previous.geojson \
    --result-file=administrative_diff.geojson \
    --src-srs='EPSG:25832' \

The result is always a GeoJSON in 'EPSG:4326'.
The resulting geometries can be buffered with ``--buffer``. The buffer needs to be in the same unit as ``--src-srs``.


The code is provided "AS IS". Do not expect any updates or new features.
Issues are disabled and we don't provide support by any other means.

However, you are free to use and modify the tool under the terms of the Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE).