

Small wrapper for the Mapnik 3 API to render beautiful maps from Go.


  • Render to []byte, image.Image, or file.
  • Set scale denominator or scale factor.
  • Enable/disable single layers.


This package requires Mapnik (libmapnik-dev on Ubuntu/Debian, mapnik in Homebrew). Make sure mapnik-config is in your PATH.

You need to set the CGO_LDFLAGS and CGO_CXXFLAGS environment variables for successful compilation and linking with Mapnik. Refer to the Makefile how mapnik-config can be used to extract the required CGO_LDFLAGS and CGO_CXXFLAGS values. Use -ldflags to overwrite the default location of the input plugins and default fonts.

go-mapnik is independent of the Proj version. Make sure that your mapfiles and SRS strings use the correct syntax (epsg:4326 vs. +init=epsg:4326). You can set the environment PROJ_USE_PROJ4_INIT_RULES=YES for backwards compatibility. This supports +init=epsg:xxx definitions and keeps the fixed long/lat and E/N axis orientation.


API documentation can be found here: http://godoc.org/github.com/omniscale/go-mapnik


MIT, see LICENSE file.


Oliver Tonnhofer, Omniscale


This package is inspired/based on mapnik-c-api by Dane Springmeyer and go-mapnik by Fabian Wickborn.