
DBCaml is a database library for OCaml

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

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A database toolkit built on Riot

Quick Start | Documentation | Examples |   

DBCaml is an async database toolkit built on Riot, an actor-model multi-core scheduler for OCaml 5. DBCaml is inspired by Elixirs where the developer can spin up a connection manager and connections the manager takes cares of.

** Note: DBCaml is currently in development and is not ready for production. Only for testing purposes **

type user = {
  name: string;
  id: int;
  some_int64: int64;
  some_int32: int32;
  some_float: float;
  some_bool: bool;
  pet_name: string option;
  pets: string list;
  pets_array: string array;
[@@deriving deserialize]

type users = user list [@@deriving deserialize]

(* Start the database connection pool *)
let* db =
  let config =

  match Silo_postgres.connect ~config with
  | Ok c -> Ok c
  | Error (`Msg e) -> Error e

(* Fetch the user and return the user to a variable *)
let* fetched_users =
      "select name, id, some_bool, pet_name, some_int64, some_int32, some_float, pets, pets as pets_array from users limit 2"

  (fun x ->
      "Fetching user with id %d:\nName: %s\nSome float: %f\nSome int64: %d\nSome int32: %d\n%s\n Some bool: %b\nPets: %s\nPets array: %s\n\n"
      (Int64.to_int x.some_int64)
      (Int32.to_int x.some_int32)
      (match x.pet_name with
      | Some pn -> Printf.sprintf "Pet name: %S" pn
      | None -> "No pet")
      (String.concat ", " x.pets)
      (String.concat ", " (Array.to_list x.pets_array)))
  (Option.get fetched_users);

DBCaml aims to offer:

  • Database pooling. Built using Riots lightweight process to spin up a connection pool.

  • Database Agnostic. Support for Postgres, and more to come (MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite).

  • Built in security. With built-in security it allows users to focus on writing queries, without being afraid of security breaches.

  • Cross Platform. DBCaml compiles anywhere!

  • Not an ORM. DBCaml is not an orm, it simply handles the boring stuff you don't want to deal with and allows you to have full insight on what's going on.

Quick Start

opam pin dbcaml.0.0.2 git+https://github.com/dbcaml/dbcaml

After that, you can use any of the examples as a base for your app, and run them:

dune exec X


DBCaml is heavily in development, the content in this repo will change. It's not production ready and will probably have bugs