Resume template rendered with ReactJS

This repo contains a react app that I use to display my resume. It was created with create-react-app (

To use for your own resume in 3 easy steps

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Edit the resumeDetails.js file and fill in your own details
  3. Change the homepage value in package.json to where ever you plan to host your resume.

Viewing your resume locally while editing and building the package

Initial Setup:

  1. Install NodeJS if you don't already have it
  2. Run npm install -g yarn
  3. Run npm install -g create-react-app
  4. Clone this repo locally
  5. Navigate to that folder in a terminal winodw
  6. Run yarn

Working on your resume:

  1. Open your editor
  2. In a terminal run yarn start in the folder to which you cloned the repo
  3. Edit the resumeDetails.js (or any other file if you don't like the fomratting) and watch the edits live in your browser.

Building for the web:

  1. Make sure you edit the package.json and set the homepage to where you plan to deploy.
  2. run yarn build and deploy all the contents of the build folder.