
UI Dashboard for FL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to project Gator


Project Gator is meant to help aggregate troubleshooting-workflow modules meant to aide front-line agents in their troubleshooting processes by providing TSEs, TLs, and agents a tool to:

  • generate URL queries (PLX/Dremel Scripts) for internal tool querying by saving case data in only one place. This makes that data re-usable without the hassle of copying and pasting information from one tool to the other, reducing the chances that an error or mistake will occur.

    • Dremel: (Part of DuperTool now)
  • test Google Maps APIs with a team GCP project with retrievable troubleshooting sessions. (WIP)

  • test Google Maps APIs on a customer's project with retrievable troubleshooting sessions. (WIP)

  • customize and test dynamic maps on different lib versions and browsers through storeable and retreivable client-side request logs/screenshots/sessions. (WIP)

  • customize and test static map/street-view rendering on different browsers, config options, and implementation styles through storeable and retreivable request logs/screenshots/sessions. (WIP)

  • centralize a source-of-truth dashboard that agents can use in order to review or acknowledge new and existing KB changes found in changelogs. (WIP)

  • broadcast changes and API issues in one place with retreivable announcement/ack logs. (WIP)

Build script:

Start build script from root DIR ./:

npm run webpack

Production Server-side source files are found in ./dist/.

Production Client-side source files are found in ./dist/public.

Dev script:

Set Webpack's config config.watch: property to either boolean: false || true.

Dev script config.watch: property in Webpack's config file is set to true when running npm run dev:server script.

Start development script from project's root DIR ./:

npm run dev:server

Proceed to monitor dev changes on http://localhost:8080.

Production script:

Manually start production script from ./dist/:

npm run start

Inspect live production files on http://localhost:3000.


There are two ways to change Webpack's environment from development to production mode.

  1. Changing the comperative operator using const dev_mode = process.env.NODE_ENV (!== || ==) production boolean result will toggle the ternary operator found in the property to config.mode: dev_mode ? 'development' : 'production'. Mode and output is logged on compile.


  1. You can remove or change the NODE_ENV= environment variable argument used in the package.json script declarations so that Webpack defaults to initial config:

     "scripts": {
         "dev:server": "./warning.sh && NODE_ENV=development ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server",
         "webpack": "rm ./dist/public/ -rf | NODE_ENV=production webpack --progress"

MVC modules in development listed below:
















