
Visual Studio Code + Anaconda + Tensorflow + Debugging

Primary LanguagePython

Visual Studio Code + Anaconda + Tensorflow + Debugging

  1. Download & install Anaconda
  2. Follow the steps in the following link to setup an environment with Tensorflow: https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/os_setup#anaconda_installation
    • Take note of the name of the environment you created
    • Take note of the version of Python you decided to use
  3. Download & install Visual Studio Code if you haven't yet
  4. Clone this repository
  5. Open Visual Studio Code and then open the folder where you cloned this repository to
  6. Install the Python extension by Don Jayamanne
    • Click the Extension button to the far left and search for 'Python'
  7. Update the .vscode/settings.json. Directions are in a comment.
  8. You're all set. Pop open hello.py and add a breakpoint via the gutter to the left. Click the Debug button to the far left and then click the green play button or simply press F5.
  9. Be sure to check out some of the capabilities of the Python extension