- Download & install Anaconda
- Follow the steps in the following link to setup an environment with Tensorflow: https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/os_setup#anaconda_installation
- Take note of the name of the environment you created
- Take note of the version of Python you decided to use
- Download & install Visual Studio Code if you haven't yet
- Clone this repository
- Open Visual Studio Code and then open the folder where you cloned this repository to
- Install the Python extension by Don Jayamanne
- Click the Extension button to the far left and search for 'Python'
- Update the .vscode/settings.json. Directions are in a comment.
- You're all set. Pop open hello.py and add a breakpoint via the gutter to the left. Click the Debug button to the far left and then click the green play button or simply press F5.
- Be sure to check out some of the capabilities of the Python extension